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On May 19th, IKE Group organized a training event for "Overseas Sales Personnel Entering the Technical Field of Packaging Machinery". In this event, all overseas sales personnel of IKE Group, under the leadership of the technical director, walked into the广发娱乐城平台 production workshop, visited and practiced different types of packaging equipment.

Packaging is an important step in the food processing process after the food is dried. Only high-quality packaging can maintain the best quality of dry food. As a part of IKE machinery, IKE 广发娱乐城平台 products include广发娱乐城平台s, rotary vacuum Packing machines, which are widely used in food, medicine, cosmetics, pesticides, and daily supplies and products other blocks, strips, granule, liquid, powder products. In IKE's more than 5,000-square-meter factory, the sales staff mainly visited the automatic 广发娱乐城平台 production line workshop, the rotary 广发娱乐城平台 production line workshop, and the rotary pillow 广发娱乐城平台 workshop.

In the afternoon, Mr. Chen, the director of the IKE 广发娱乐城平台 technology department, conducted more than 2 hours of special training on "The Present and Future of IKE Packaging Machines" to the overseas sales staff present. During the training, Mr. Chen analyzed in detail the usage, problems, and solutions of广发娱乐城平台s in the world today. He explained the structure, principle, use, advantages, and future development trends of different series of广发娱乐城平台s to the sales staff, so that the sales staff were exposed to the most cutting-edge products and technical knowledge, and deepened the understanding of the theory.

Through this training activity, the sales staff have a deeper understanding of IKE广发娱乐城平台ry, so that they can better provide customers with more professional solutions. It also deepened the mutual understanding between the production department and the sales department of the IKE Group. Only strong scientific research and production can make the market go further!


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